First annual meeting of the strategy network “Online Participation”

From 09 November to 10 November 2017 the first annual meeting of the strategy network “Online Participation” was organized at the Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) in Karlsruhe.

The ITAS in the city of Karlsruhe (photo: ITAS / Bernardo Cienfuegos)

The workshop titled “Online Participation in Decision Processes” was intended to promote the consolidation of a community of scientists active in the field of online particiaption, to agree on a common theoretical framework and to develop common future research.

There was a total of five sessions, in which the participants discussed current research topics and research questions, e.g. the validity of results of online participation processes, online participation in urban development, or the application of agumentation technologies, but also strategic perspectives concerning the future development of the community.